Information & Policies

If you are having thoughts of harming yourself or others, please call 911.

If you are experiencing a crisis, please call:

National Suicide Hotline at 1.800.273.8255

Crisis Clinic in Seattle at 206.361.2222

LGBTQ+ issues contact the Trevor Lifeline at 1-866-488-7386.

If you need support in challenging psychedelic experiences please call or text the Fireside Project at 623-473-7433.

Confidentiality and Communication

Personal Health Information confidentiality is of the upmost importance in therapy. Please keep in mind that text and emails are not a secure/encrypted way of communicating about therapy. I recommend limiting the information you provide when corresponding in this manner for your own privacy concerns. Our providers will not respond to your emails or texts with identifying information, and will keep things brief in regards to therapy matters.

Pre-Intake Paperwork

You must complete the pre-intake paperwork before your intake is scheduled and confirmed.

After our consult call, you will receive a link to the pre-intake paperwork. This paperwork includes consent forms to read and sign, payment information, and questionnaires about yourself. You must complete this pre-intake paperwork before your intake appointment is scheduled. Once you complete your paperwork, you will receive an email confirmation that your paperwork has been completed.

Please contact your provider directly via email or the Syzygy information email at if you have any questions while completing the pre-intake paperwork.

Insurance Coverage

Most of our providers are private pay, out-of-network (OON) providers, meaning that they are not in-network with any insurance companies or EAP programs, and payment is due the day of each session.

As of now, Julia Hollenberg RDN, CD does take some insurance plans. Julia is currently in-network with Regence, Blue Cross Blue Shield, First Choice, Bridgespan, Kaiser PPO, and United.  For Premera, Julia is out-of -network, but out-of-network coverage tends to be very generous. Amazon and Microsoft offer 100% reimbursement.

For Premera or any other insurance carriers, please check with your plan to see what your out-of-network benefits for nutrition counseling cover.

You will need to provide payment information before our intake via your intake paperwork in Simple Practice.

You will be automatically billed within 24 hours of each session.

Benefits of Private Pay Psychotherapy

There are many benefits for clients who choose private pay therapy instead of using insurance, including:

  • Freedom to choose a therapist who is the best fit for your needs

  • Freedom for you and your therapist to determine the course and length of treatment

  • Increased confidentiality as your therapist will not have to share your treatment and diagnosis with an insurance company

  • No restrictions on online therapy

  • You can continue to work with the same therapist even if your insurance changes

Out-of-Network (OON) Insurance Reimbursement

I’m happy to provide monthly superbills you could submit to your insurance company for partial reimbursement for OON psychotherapy, if available, based on your plan and deductible.

If you want to use OON benefits, call your insurance provider and clarify what they cover. The client’s responsible for understanding their insurance plans and seeking information about their company’s reimbursement process.

Please note that I am not contracted to accept Medicare Part B health insurance – You cannot submit your reimbursement claims to Medicare.

Questions to Ask Your Insurance Company About OON Psychotherapy

You may find answers to these questions in your insurance Summary of Benefits or your insurance company’s website. We recommend calling your insurance company to verify your benefits. You can usually find this phone number on the back of your insurance card. Here are some questions to ask when you call:

  1. Do I have out-of-network (OON) outpatient mental health benefits?

  2. If I have out-of-network outpatient mental health benefits, what percentage or dollar amount will be reimbursed for psychotherapy?

  3. Do out-of-network benefits cover LMFTs, RDN, LICSW, LMHCA’s (or whatever the credentials of your preferred provider is)?

  4. Do out-of-network benefits cover online therapy (telehealth, telemental health, or teletherapy)?

  5. Do I have an annual deductible? If so, how much is it, and has my deductible been met for this year?

  6. If I have a deductible, will I need to pay out of pocket for OON psychotherapy until that deductible is met? After the deductible is met, what percentage or dollar amount will I be reimbursed for OON psychotherapy?

  7. What documentation do I need to submit to receive out-of-network psychotherapy reimbursements?

  8. Do I need a referral from an in-network provider to see an out-of-network provider?

If it’s helpful, you can provide the following CPT codes to your insurance company:

  • 90791  for the intake 

  • 90837  for 50-minute or longer psychotherapy sessions

Help Submitting OON Insurance Claims

If you need help submitting claims, a service called Reimbursify will submit the insurance reimbursement paperwork for you.

The first claim is free, and they charge $1.99 to $2.99 per claim.

Cancellations and No Shows

If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, kindly do so by text, call, email or through the client portal 48 hours in advance of your scheduled appointment. Any appointments that are rescheduled or cancelled less than 48 hours will be charged the full session rate plus processing fees. If you intend to reschedule your appointment, please be aware that we cannot guarantee another available time within the same time slot or within the same week.

The only exceptions for late cancellations are for emergencies (i.e., death or birth in the family, an accident) or serious illnesses or injuries of yourself or someone you care for. Work or travel-related conflicts will not be exceptions to this policy. This policy is necessary because a time commitment is made to you and is held exclusively for you. Fees incurred on same day cancellations may be waived in the event of an emergency on a case-by-case basis.

*All providers may have additional information in their cancellation policy. You can find this information in your provider’s disclosure form.

Good Faith Estimate

Under Section 2799B-6 of the Public Health Service Act, healthcare providers and healthcare facilities are required to inform individuals who are not enrolled in a plan or coverage or a Federal healthcare program or not seeking to file a claim with their plan or coverage both orally and in writing of their ability, upon request or at the time of scheduling health care items and services, to receive a “Good Faith Estimate” of expected charges.

You can receive a “Good Faith Estimate” explaining how much your medical care will cost.

Under the law, healthcare providers must give patients who don’t have insurance or are not using insurance an estimate of the bill for medical items and services if requested. 

Scope of Practice Policy

During the initial phone consultation or at any point in our work together, any provider may determine that a different provider may be a better fit for you, or that their ability to effectively work with you is outside of their scope of practice. At this point, your provider will supply you with alternative resources and referrals for you to continue your work outside of their independent practice.

To maintain a safe and secure environment, all providers reserve the right to: decline services to a client who is intoxicated, threatening in any manner, and is not adhering to the boundaries of a professional relationship.

Social Media

To adhere to boundaries that protect clients and therapists, members of the Syzygy Psychotherapy Collective do not engage in dual relationships with clients. Therefore, none of our providers will not "friend" clients on any social media platform that is related to my work or personal accounts.

Social media platforms that are related to the business Syzygy Psychotherapy Collective are not secure platforms and no personal information should be shared on those accounts. Additionally, social media accounts (ie. Facebook, Instagram) for Syzygy Psychotherapy Collective are checked infrequently, are intended for sharing general wellness information and business updates, and are not a means of communicating with me for issues or concerns related to therapy services.

Wellness Policy for In-Person Therapy

Regarding Covid and respiratory illnesses.

1. If you have been exposed to covid, please wait one week before attending in-person therapy sessions, and meet online while awaiting your prognosis. Test for covid before returning to in person sessions after the week has passed.

2. If covid positive, don’t attend therapy in-person. If you are feeling well enough to meet online, then please plan for a telehealth session.

3. If you are experiencing a respiratory illness (e.g.: flu, cold, sore throat, sneezing, or coughing) or have a fever, within first five days of onset, don’t attend and plan to meet online or cancel within the 48 cancellation window.

4. If you have only mild residual symptoms, and they are resolving, (no fever, stuffy nose, infrequent cough, no malaise) wear a good quality mask while you are symptomatic when attending in person sessions.

5. If you are uncertain of your health status, we urge you to consult with your preferred health care provider.

6. The 48 hour cancellation policy is still in effect when you are sick. Some emergency circumstances will be considered, and the late cancel fee may be waived on a case by case basis.