Food + Body Therapy

Therapy and nutrition services to support you in (re)building trust with your body and cultivating an empowered relationship with food and nourishment. Our work includes guided somatic practices, building foundational self-care skills, and group support modalities. We are HAES-aligned and trauma informed. We seek to explore and discover the root of your struggle, for deep and lasting healing.

Our work is grounded in intuitive eating, and is weight-inclusive.  We embrace and practice HAES (Health At Every Size) principles and values.  You are welcome here, as you are. Please note we are small-bodied providers; we are allies of the fat liberation movement. 

About HAES

Health At Every Size is a scientific paradigm and a liberatory philosophy that holds inclusivity and respectful healthcare for all bodies at its heart.  As HAES providers, we assert that focusing on weight loss or control is antithetical to physical and psychological well-being. Instead, we focus on evidence-based approaches to support your well-being of body-mind-spirit, that centers respect, body autonomy, and liberation for all bodies.  We embrace a holistic definition of health, and view health as a resource that exists on a continuum, and not as a moral imperative a goal to be achieved, or as a rational to assign virtue or judgment.  Our job is to partner with you to support you in accessing greater health resources, in accordance with what is meaningful and accessible to you.

A message from Julia Hollenberg, RDN, CD, RYT-500

“You do not need to settle for a life filled with food angst and body shame.  Your birthright is to enjoy the vessel of your body, to nourish it well, and to regard it as a powerful source of wisdom.  Let us guide you in your journey to an easeful and enjoyable relationship to food and an embodied connection to yourself.  

You may benefit from our work together if you experience an adversarial relationship to food or your body; if your mind is consumed with thoughts of food or how your body appears, if you feel your life and social engagement is being limited by your food and body struggles.  We’ll partner with you to support you in gaining understanding about the utility of your disordered eating, unlearning harmful diet culture beliefs, developing an attuned awareness of your body cues, reclaiming your intuitive eater, and cultivating appreciation, trust, and confidence for your own unique body.”

A message from Leigh Shaw, MSW, LICSW

“The therapy side of disordered eating recovery involves dismantling the stories we’ve internalized that tell us there was ever anything wrong with our bodies in the first place. We challenge oppressive beauty standards and explore how diversity in shape and size is something to be celebrated -- it is as beautiful as nature herself. We bring compassion to the parts of ourselves who learned to believe that looking some certain way was how we earned love and connection. We explore permission to be ourselves. We practice attuning to our needs and explore how to be in empowered relationship with self and others. We slow down and re-learn how to listen and respond to our bodies with curiosity and care. “