EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing

EMDR is a unique modality that typically gets to the core of an issue faster and more efficiently than talk therapy.

EMDR combines somatic therapy, exposure therapy, narrative therapy, mindfulness, calming visualizations, nervous system regulation tools, neuroscience, and a unique bio-hack via bilateral stimulation to ease anxiety and triggers, and allow all parts of the brain to come online to (re)process and shift patterns that are keeping us stuck in repetative loops.

EMDR creates a calming Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness where traumatic events can be processed without overwhelming your nervous system. EMDR is helpful for a number of issues including (but not limited to) reoccurring anxiety patterns, PTSD, attachment wounds, acute trauma, panic disorder, phobias, social anxiety and more.

The acronym EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy. EMDR utilizes bilateral stimulation while processing any sensitive material to create another way to contact intense memories and past emotional experiences. Research shows that the bilateral stimulation used in EMDR calms the amygdala (often referred to as our brain’s fear center). EMDR can simulate the feeling we experience when we walk in nature, allowing us to clear our heads and find new perspectives about what is troubling us.

EMDR can be added to your long-term therapy treatment plan with your chosen provider, or it can be offered as a brief therapy for those who qualify as good candidates for this modality.

EMDR typically lasts 10-15 sessions in total, and is a weekly therapy.

EMDR intensives are also available with some of our practitioners.

EMDR Intensives can work quite well for many people who do not want to commit to weekly therapy sessions, or those who travel often. Intensives can also be well suited for faster trauma recovery.

Insurance coverage is not offered for intensives, but sliding scale is available if needed.

Typically 4-6 intensive sessions are required for completion.