Syzygy Psychotherapy Collective offers integrative and holistic mental health services with Psychedelic Therapy, Trauma-informed Somatic therapy, medication management, group therapy, and HAAS food + body therapy.  MDMA therapy, Ketamine therapy, IFS

body mind spirit

Syzygy Psychotherapy Collective offers integrative and holistic mental health services with Psychedelic Therapy, Trauma-informed Somatic therapy, medication management, group therapy, and HAAS food + body therapy.  MDMA therapy, Ketamine therapy, IFS

Our Approach

At Syzygy, we offer a truly holistic path forward through supporting the alignment of the mind, body, and spirit with comprehensive mental health treatments. Our approach to mental wellness combines cutting-edge advances in psychiatry, nutritional support, psychotherapy, psychedelic integration, movement, and more.

We believe in the healing potential of Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness and Psychedelic-Assisted therapy. We are committed to adequately supporting integration of these profoundly transformational experiences.

We know that relational support is essential for healing some of our deepest wounds. We offer group work and relational therapy to support expanding connections to the collective.



  • When the mind+body+spirit are aligned, we can have a greater window of tolerance for our emotions, and an expanded capacity to feel.

    In alignment, we can contact what is happening inside without our usual stories, thoughts, accumulated pain, and shadows getting in the way. This increased clarity allows us to embody our creative, curious, compassionate selves with more finesse, and creates more tolerance for the ups and downs that are part of being human.

    By feeling and connecting with the depths of our experience, we gain more flexibility to move towards what is meaningful to us. We have expanded our ability to flow with the waves of our experience.

    We emphasize therapies that support the integration of the mind+body+spirit so that you deepen in connection with your own aliveness, and feel more supported in the journey of life.

  • When all of our parts are communicating within the whole, we are in balance, in harmony with the wildness of our human experience. Here we can learn to connect to the parts that activate us with compassion, acceptance, forgiveness, trust, and understanding. We learn to listen and feel and embrace, rather than push away.

    In nature, from the macro to the micro, we find that lifeforms organically move towards coherence and resonance. Murmurations of birds move as one unified field across the sky. Plants will thrive upwards if given enough sunlight and rain. Wounds regenerate organically without the organism choosing to heal it.

    As humans, we are also expressions of nature, and our lives unfold in relational processes within a larger mysterious design. As above, so below. When we drop into the guidance of our inner wisdom, we find our intuition naturally course-corrects us towards individual and collective liberation.

    Rather than imposing our own agenda on you, we support your organic unfolding, and trust that this is the direction that your system will naturally seek.

  • Neuroscience shows us that when we befriend what is happening in our inner world and kindly observe what is, we naturally soften and reveal the wisdom within. When we explore our own inner systems with compassion and curiosity, we can uncover the cause dissonance and re-harmonize.

Syzygy Psychotherapy Collective offers integrative and holistic mental health services with Psychedelic Therapy, Trauma-informed Somatic therapy, medication management, group therapy, and HAAS food + body therapy.  MDMA therapy, Ketamine therapy, IFS
Syzygy Psychotherapy Collective offers integrative and holistic mental health services with Psychedelic Therapy, Trauma-informed Somatic therapy, medication management, group therapy, and HAAS food + body therapy.  MDMA therapy, Ketamine therapy, IFS
Syzygy Psychotherapy Collective offers integrative and holistic mental health services with Psychedelic Therapy, Trauma-informed Somatic therapy, medication management, group therapy, and HAAS food + body therapy.  MDMA therapy, Ketamine therapy, IFS



Syzygy offers therapy modalities that will help you grow your toolbox so you can shift your thought patterns, process emotions, and align your mind+body+spirit.


Body inclusive therapy and nutrition services to support you in (re)building trust with your body and cultivating an empowered relationship with food and nourishment.


We offer comprehensive care and medication management for anyone who is currently experiencing depression, anxiety, PTSD, cPTSD, depression, grief and more. 


We are relational beings. One of the ways we can deepen our understanding of ourselves is through relationship and community. Groups starting in summer 2024.

Ready to flow with life?

Meet the collective.

Telehealth and in-person services available.

Syzygy Psychotherapy Collective offers integrative and holistic mental health services with Psychedelic Therapy, Trauma-informed Somatic therapy, medication management, group therapy, and HAAS food + body therapy.  MDMA therapy, Ketamine therapy, IFS

Find the Root.

Liberate Yourself.

Your liberation is connected to liberation for us all.

At Syzygy, our providers are here to help you find the root of your suffering so that you can recover and find a way forward.

Sometimes the root of our suffering is related to our personal histories, relationships, family dynamics, and socio-cultural factors, or it can be a result of generational traumas that have been passed down through our family line as legacy burdens that may be causing a sense of confusion as to why we are struggling in our lives.

Syzygy Psychotherapy Collective offers cutting-edge alternatives to traditional talk-therapy that honor the mind-body-spirit connection. Our toolbox includes mindfulness-based approaches to EMDR, Internal Family Systems (IFS), Psychedelic Integration Therapy, Somatic therapy, Group therapy, Sensorimotor psychotherapy, Expressive Arts therapy, and more.

Syzygy Psychotherapy Collective offers integrative and holistic mental health services with Psychedelic Therapy, Trauma-informed Somatic therapy, medication management, group therapy, and HAAS food + body therapy.  MDMA therapy, Ketamine therapy, IFS

As a trauma-informed collective, our practitioners are equipped with the tools and knowledge to help you navigate a variety of human challenges:

  • PTSD, Complex PTSD & Acute Trauma

  • Grief

  • Developmental Cycles & Life Transitions

  • Self Worth

  • Transpersonal & Spiritual themes

  • Psychedelic Preparation & Integration

  • Medication Management

  • Creative Blocks

  • Insomnia

  • Social Anxiety

  • Relationship Issues

  • Healthcare Professionals

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Gender and Sexuality

  • Disordered Eating Recovery

  • Body Dysmorphia & Image

  • Addiction Recovery

  • Family and Ancestral Trauma

  • Pregnancy, Birth, & Parenthood

  • Phobias

  • Stress

  • Sexual Trauma

  • Burnout

Somatic therapy is a gateway to self-knowledge.

At Syzygy, our providers take a bottom-up approach to addressing mental health issues, by starting with somatic therapy, nutritional support, and medication management so you can be in an empowered relationship with your body. When we learn the language of the body we have more capacity to feel the highs and lows of our emotions with curiosity, compassion, and kindness. The body can lead us into a deeper self knowing that is beyond our usual interpretations.

Syzygy’s approach starts with connecting with the body first, before moving into the depths of the unconscious. That way emotions can express themselves however needed, and less stress can accumulate in the body as you learn to naturally flow with your present experience.

Once we have established a rapport with our body, we can then find other modalities that would best support further deepening and growth.

Syzygy Psychotherapy Collective does not currently offer Psychedelic Therapy to clients, but we do offer Integration support for your psychedelic experiences.

We intend to add more offerings for psychedelic therapy by the end of the year, including cannabis assisted therapy and ketamine assisted therapy for those who meet criteria for these offerings.

We are dedicated to staying on the forefront of psychedelic therapy, and we are committed to safe and ethical practices that are supported by the latest in scientific research.

What are Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness?

Syzygy Psychotherapy Collective offers integrative and holistic mental health services with Psychedelic Therapy, Trauma-informed Somatic therapy, medication management, group therapy, and HAAS food + body therapy.  MDMA therapy, Ketamine therapy, IFS

At Syzygy, we see non-ordinary states of consciousness as catalysts for transformation, as they allow a participant the profound experience of making contact with the mystery of their consciousness. Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness (NOSC) have been a tool for healing, self discovery, community ritual, and rites of passage for as long as humans have been in existence, with evidence of ancient ritual use of plant medicines dating back to the last ice age. Many spiritual practices from religions all over the world focus on creating these states through specialized means to bring about mystical experiences in their participants.

NOSCs can be activated in a variety of ways, such as psychedelic therapy, EMDR, deep states of meditation, somatic therapy, nature, breath-work, IFS, sustained musical trance states, and community dance and movement.

Syzygy emphasizes using these states to transcend the stronghold of the intellectual, rational mind by dropping into fully-involved feelings states at a pace that fits for you. In these heightened states of presence, you can more effectively move through challenges, find clarity, and discover new ways of relating to your lived experience that can benefit your life and help you move forward.


Syzygy provides listing services to independent healthcare practitioners, and logistical support so that they can efficiently and effectively run their private practices. Syzygy also helps connect clients with practitioners who offer medication management, mental health therapy, and food + body support. All of the providers that contract Syzygy for practice listing services, are state board certified and have a range of clinical expertise. They also attend regular trainings to learn cutting-edge modalities to best serve a diverse range of client needs.

Community Heals.

We are relational beings. When we are in safe and healthy community we can discover new aspects of ourselves that surprise and delight us.

Collectively many of us have experienced alienation and a profound sense of loneliness in our lives. Whether that be from past experiences in our childhoods, severed relationships, or isolation during the pandemic - all of us have encountered suffering from broken connections.

These wounds can be healed to some degree in individual therapy, but when you add more humans on their own healing journey into the mix, the community can facilitate an organic healing process together that can be mysterious and more powerful than a planned outcome. Working in groups allows one to be witnessed by many and offers myriad opportunities to connect with others over similar struggles, realizations and experiences. As social animals, we learn from each other’s wisdom, we connect empathically, and we can thrive in numbers. In group, we can bring the alignment within ourselves into alignment with others.

Group therapy can be a fruitful experience where you gain tools and integrate insights that you can bring out of group work and into the larger world. You may even make a friend.